So Much Guitar
Estados Unidos *United States*
Descripcion en Español (Urraca3k):
Bueno mis queridos usuarios...voy a dejarles un aporte de JAZZ espectacular, recontra pero recontra recomendado...un Guitarrista de Jazz ALUCINANTE, lo que hace este tipo con la guitarra no tiene algo totalmente increible...un virtuoso total de la guitarra, y un genio creativo inigualable, el mounstrosisimo Wes Montgomery...nacido en Indianapolis, USA, en el año 1923, y fallecido en el año 1968...en su corta vida, supo manejar la guitarra como muy pocos en la historia...tienen que escuchar esto, es un cd de jazz, soul jazz, con unos temas que tiran mas hacia el hot jazz...algo totalmente increible, comparable a grandes como John Coltrane, Sonny Rollins, etc, con la diferencia obvio de que estos que nombre son saxofonistas y Wes Montgomery, guitarrista, una guitarra de jazz para el recuerdo aca les dejo este SUPER LP de este muchacho algo totalmente increible....espero que lo disfruten tanto como lo disfruto yo...les recomiendo con mucho enfasis los siguientes temas: "Twisted Blues"; "Repetition" y "While We're Young".
Description In English:
This was originally released on the Riverside label (RLP-9382), and has been reissued in compact disc form as part of Fantasy Records OJC series. This reissue features the original 8 tracks, no bonus tracks, and clocks in at just under 40 minutes of music.
I have a few other Montgomery discs, and was never especially impressed with them. They seemed to be mostly loungy covers of classics, with no real bite. A reviewer in the Tower Records house organ "Pulse!" mentioned that Montgomery recorded both some very excellent discs, as well as some real slop. Figuring I'd bought the wrong discs before, I took his sug- gestion and picked up this disc. (His first suggestion, "Far Wes" was out of stock, as was his third, "The Incredible Jazz Guitar".)
And he was absolutely right. The tracks on this disc are only a faint reminder of the mushy cocktail jazz I heard on the other discs. The upbeat tracks like Montgomery's original "Twisted Blues" and his version of Duke Ellington's "Cotton Tail" really move (with the help of the rhythms of Ron Carter/bass, Lex Humphries/drums and Ray Barreto/congas), and Montgomery's solo playing is quite impressive. Hank Jones piano adds an excellent overall flavor. Slower tracks such as "I Wish I Knew" have a relaxed, bluesy sound, without becoming background music.
1. Twisted Blues
2. Cotton Tail
3. I Wish I Knew
4. I'm Just A Lucky So And
5. Repetition
6. Something Like Bags
7. While We're Young
8. One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)
ALBUM RATING (urraca3k) : 8/10
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