Italia *Italy*
Rock Progresivo Sinfonico Italiano
Descripcion en Español (Urraca3k):
Exactamente 2 años despues de la aparicion del GIGANTESCo "The Dark Side Of The Moon", de Pink Floyd, en otra parte de Europa, Italia para ser mas exactos....La banda de Rock Progresivo "Maxophone", sacaba su primer verdad es que es comparable al de Campo Di Marte, estan al mismo nivel...por no decir que uno es mejor que el otro, pero bueno eso es cuestion de gustos de cada uno...este LP, que si bien no me equivoco, fue el unico lanzado por "Maxophone", al igual que el Lp "Campo Di Marte" de Campo Di Marte, es una MARAVILLA total...una genialidad impresionante....Italia en los años 70 supo adaptarse muy bien al sonido del Rock Progresivo, lanzando bandas como Campo Di Marte, Maxophone, Premiata Forneria Marconi, New Trolls, Le Orme, etc, etc, etc....les aseguro que si les gusta el rock progresivo sinfonico este Lp les va a sin dudas uno de los 50 mejores discos de rock progresivo de la historia, una maravilla total...guitarras alucinantes, bajos destellantes, flautas que aparecen y le dan un color espectacular a los verdad es que es una obra maestra, no tiene desperdicio, pero como toda placa que poste, les voy a recomendar lo que para mi tendrian que ser los primero s temas que escuchen para ir "amoldandose" a este gigantesco grupo italiano, los temas que recomiendo son: "C'e Un Paese Al Mondo", "Fase" y "Antiche Conclusioni Negre".
Description In English:
Although less popular than other mainstream Italian prog rock groups, MAXOPHONE achieved a late cult status among prog rock fan because of their well crafted music, solid musical expertise and precisely cut arrangements. A well coordinated six piece ensemble, MAXOPHONE sits in the prog rock arena covering the gap between the clattering edge of groups like KING CRIMSON, the folky roots of JETHRO TULL and the more elaborated Canterbury sound. MAXOPHONE had a twin-fold soul: half of the members had classic music background while the other half had a solid rock background. This weird combination appears clearly in some songs were very non-rock instruments, such as horn, clarinet, trumpet and vibraphone are used in very balanced way together with Fripp-esque guitars and electrical piano. After one year rehearsal work, in 1975, MAXOPHONE issued their only LP record, the homonymous MAXOPHONE, which aged pretty well, sounding fresh today as 30 year ago.
Although MAXOPHONE may sometime blink an eye to melodic rock, they never forget to surprise the listener, nicely standing repeated listening. Their music shows surfacing influences from Greg LAKE, Robert FRIPP, ELP, KING CRIMSON, GENTLE GIANT, NATIONAL HEALTH, PFM, BANCO and Yes among the others. Their most renown feature is to change the music mood from pastoral to rock to classical within the same song without losing listening momentum. After the publication of the homonymous LP, they recorded a pop pier single, whose side A and B songs are both included as bonus tracks in the CD version of MAXOPHONE.
A clear must for all Italian prog rock lovers.
1. C'è Un Paese Al Mondo (6:39)
2. Fase (7:04)
3. Al Mancato Compleanno Di Una Farfalla (5:52)
4. Elzeviro (6:47)
5. Mercanti Di Pazzie (5:21)
6. Antiche Conclusioni Nerge (8:54)
7. Il Fischio Del Vapore (4:52)
8. Cono Di Gelato (4:40)
ALBUM RATING (urraca3k) : 9/10
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