Emerson Lake And Palmer
Inglaterra *England*
Rock Progresivo Sinfonico
Descripcion en Español (Urraca3k):
En el año 1970, se formó lo que para mi, fue, es y sera la mejor banda de Rock Progresivo Sinfonico de la historia, el trio EMERSON LAKE AND PALMER, formado por Keith Emerson (Teclados) *Ex "The Nice"*, Greg Lake (Guitarra, Bajo y Voz) *Ex "King Crimson"* y Carl Palmer (Bateria y Percusion) *Ex "Atomic Rooster"*...con una calidad musical ASOMBROSA, estos tres gigantescos y virtuosisimos musicos, dieron paso a uno de los mas grandes discos de la historia del rock progresivo, su disco debut...Emerson Lake And Palmer....este LP, tiene una calidad musical asombrosa, los magicos teclados de Keith Emerson (para mi gusto el mejor tecladista de la historia), los arrolladores bajos de Greg Lake, junto a sus guitarras y su voz, que no se pasan por alto bajo ningun aspecto...y una bateria fulminante con un Carl Palmer en lo que para mi es su mejor desempeño dentro de un disco....con temas como Tank se puede apreciar un gran solo de palmer en el medio de la canción donde solo se escucha la bateria y es algo ASOMBROSO...bueno me dejo de tanta chachara y les dejo aca este gigantesco LP
Description In English (By ProgArchives):
ELP revolutionized the 70's rock scene by introducing a new line-up format. This fact really mattered due to each musician's geniality and unlimited talent that, put together, generated a level of music never achieved by anybody else as of yet. All of the musicians came from stablished bands before joining forces together: Greg LAKE came from KING CRIMSON, Carl PALMER came from ATOMIC ROOSTER, and Keith EMERSON came from THE NICE.
They explored their capabilities to an extreme, even with the technology limitations of the early 70's, breaking ground, setting the new parameters for a new vein in the english pop music (at the time) which would be called progressive music. ELP released 10 outstanding albums during the 70's, and after a long break, they got back in the 90's with a new approach, but still making good music. In 1986 Cozy POWELL replaced PALMER and they put together EMERSON, LAKE and POWELL, a good effort as well.
They've pushed their ambitions over-the-edge. On "Tarkus" the title suite was an inventive and edgy suite revolving around jazzy textures. Their most popular album "Brain Salad Surgery", was their most grandiose and refined. Next, the more adventurous listener might try "Trilogy" or ELP's self-titled first album. In my opinion, these four albums form the core of ELP's best material. Other good ELP albums include "Pictures at an Exhibition", their provocative, fiery and intense take on a classical work. and "Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends", a triple-live album (now on double-CD) with some absolutely stunning playing.
1. The Barbarian
2. Take A Pebble
3. Knife Edge
4. The Three Fates
5. Tank
6. Lucky Man
ALBUM RATING (urraca3k) : 10/10
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